Birthday Ticker

Lilypie 2nd Birthday PicLilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 1st Birthday PicLilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, May 26, 2008

My outing at Jacobs Ballas

Mummy & Daddy brought me to the Singapore Botanic Garden @ Jacobs Ballas.
I enjoyed the outing so much because I get to learn & see alot of new things.

Im so curious with the leaves. What is that Daddy?

Photo with Daddy & Mummy

Mummy forgot to bring my swim wear & end up I have to be topless
except with my pampers on. I enjoyed playing with the water so much
that I didnt want to go back.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My new table & chairs

I just got my new table & chair from mummy & daddy during the wkend.

Mummy decided to get me a new set because she think that I should be train to sit independently as it will benefit me when I attend my class every sunday


Mummy & Daddy brought me for a swim on Monday which was a public holiday.
This is my 2nd time swimming since the last one was when I'm about 6mths old.

Getting ready for a swim.

Waiting eagerly for Mummy to bring me down.

Yippee... I have grown up & I do not need any float now! I can even stand
by my own.

The water level is only up to my chest & Im not longer afraid of water anymore...

Look... what is that under the water?

After about 45 mins of swim, mummy decided to bring me up as she think
that is enough for me. After I have dressed, I refused to go back & I begin to
throw my tantrum...

Daddy, can u please let me go... I wanna go down & swim again....

Attached a video of my clip. Daddy is teaching me how to swim without
using a swimming float & I actually can do it! Good try!! = )

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Celebrating PorPor's Birthday

Celebrating Porpor's brithday at the turf city at "Ah Yi Abalone".Didnt took much photos cox mummy didnt bring her camera but we managedto capture a few using mummy's handphone.

Mother's Day Gathering @ Plaza Market Cafe

We had our mother's day gathering at Plaza Mkt Cafe @ Raffles the plaza& I get to meet up with my old friends again. I was busy exploring the place & playing with my friends.

Hey, u still remember me? We went to the gymboree together before?

Giving Tiffany a BIG HUG! =)

Photo with sweety pie Jonie & Jayden..

Our Group photos