1) kiss & wave bye bye
2) shake hand
3) Kiss mummy & daddy
4) Clap his hands
5) Hold on to both hands together & pray
6) Dance & shake his bum
7) walk well without support
8) drink from a straw
9) Can point when ask where is Daddy & Mummy
10) Point at object correctly
11) Flip the book by his own
12) When he wake up, he can walk by his own from bedroon to kitchen & look for aunty yati
13) play hide & seek with daddy & mummy
14) Bend his head backward & close his eyes when we said "Wash Hair"
15) hold onto his milk bottle & drink by his own
16) Will try to pronouce the wording like apple, elephant when mummy read from the book
17) Will bend over & rest on mummy head when mummy said good nite while lay on the bed
18) When mummy beat on his thigh & ask where pain, he will touch on his thigh
19) Can stack the rings on top of each other when told to do so
20) Know how to put his toys back to the toy box when ask to do so
21) Will make funny face when we said 1,2,3 "smile"...